General Information
- Saint Bernadette Church (SB) is Catholic
- The goal of SB is to provide a place for people to pray and spend time with God. This can be alone or when we have prayers.
- Everyone is welcome to be at SB, even when there are no planned events.
- SB respects other religions and beliefs.
- SB also welcomes people that have no or little faith and wants a place where they can seek answers
- SB also have candles, that people can light when they wish to dedicate a prayer.
- SB also has a prayer Garden next to the Church, which can be used.
- SB follows the Catholic Liturgical Calendar.
- You can see at the end of the Church when we have prayers, masses and other services
- SB considers prayers at the Church real. We do not consider it RP
- Because SB considers prayers real, we do not do sacraments such as confessions, funerals and the Eucharist during masses. We do however do memorials and provide RP such as marriages and baptisms.
- Sometimes because of RL events or other commitments on SL, we have to cancel prayers or a mass. If this happens, a notice will be sent out to the group.
- SB is on a "G" rated sim and strictly follows LL Terms of Service
- Dress code of conduct is the same as the real-life church, with no nudity, no sexual indecency, and all naughty bits covered at all times.
- Tags must be appropriate for a family sim
- Child avis are welcome and respected.
- It is important to respect others' Faith and not judge. This means not being anti-catholic, or Anti-Christian and respecting people that are seeking answers
- Any infringement of LL TOS and SB code of conduct can result in a warning, being banned or reported to LL.
- SB is part of Paradise Corner, a family sim
- The sim owner of Paradise Corner, Svenja Temple (littlesven) provides land for the Church at no cost. This means all donations to the Church go to Svenja, to help her with the sim tier. There is a donation plate at the end of the Church.
- If anyone wishes to raise money for Charity at SB, they should speak with Svenja or Father Christopher (chissyfm).
- SB is not part of any dioceses or network of other Churches, as of yet.
- All decisions at SB are decided by the Clergy and Svenja. As the sim owner, Svenja has the last say.
- SB does not "compete" with other Churches. We think that is good there are other Churches on the grid that acts as instruments of God.
- SB is not part of any diocese or network of Churches. We are open to this possibility. If a diocese wants SB to be part of them, they can contact Father Christopher (chissyfm) by notecard. This also applies to other Churches that wish to work closer with SB,
- Guest priests are welcome to hold prayers, masses, Bible Study, workshops, seminars or discussion groups at SB. Contact Father Christopher (chissyfm) by notecard.
- Other Churches should not use our group as a place to advertise. If they wish to do this, they should contact Father Christopher (chissyfm) by notecard.
- There is a landmark giver to other Churches at SB. If you wish to have your landmark included, then contact Father Christopher
- SB has a special relationship with Saint Columba Catholic Boarding School.
- Child avis can be altar boys and altar girls. Contact Cameron Allardyce (camerontoby)
- If you want to do readings, then please contact Father Christopher (chissyfm) by notecard.
-If you want to suggest music that will be played during prayers or masses, then contact Cameron Allardyce (camerontoby).
- A layperson can plan activities hold prayers, Bible Study, workshops, seminars or discussion groups at SB. Contact Father Christopher (chissyfm) by notecard. See under clergy how you can be supported.
- You can always speak with a clergy member and give feedback on SB. this also includes what you did not like. This helps us to improve.
- Clergy can hold prayers, masses, Bible Study, workshops, seminars or discussion groups at SB. Contact Father Christopher (chissyfm) by notecard. We can then plan when you do this.
- SB is neither conservative nor liberal. This depends on the Clergy and how they do their work.
- SB does not talk about politics but is not afraid to talk about human rights, morality and oppression.
- SB does its best to comply with Catholic teachings and beliefs. We understand that some of these may be provoking. We are also willing to discuss what is provoking and respect people's views.
- As a clergy member, you get a special tag in our group. This means you can send out notices and advertise in group chat.
- Your prayers will be added to the Calander at the end of the Church
- As a clergy member, you will have access to the stream, When you are done please change it back to the normal stream ( )
- You can also get access to the TV. contact Cameron Allardyce (camerontoby).
- As a clergy member, you can get a small cabin in the woods behind the Church, This is tier-free. Contact Svenja Temple (littlesven) or Alexander Temple Allardyce (alexanderpampers)
- A Clergy member can use the facilities on the sim for events, such as mini-golf, fishing, bowling, cinema etc.
Father Christopher (chissyfm) by notecard.